The Unity bindings for the hardware API seem to have an issue in transforming the orientation from the inverse 3 device. Here is the code that transforms the quaternion from the inverse 3 coordinate system to unity’s coordinate system in HapticThread.cs.
public Quaternion orientation
if (CheckInitialized(false))
var frameRHS = Quaternion.Euler(s_Frame);
var frameLHS = Quaternion.Inverse(frameRHS);
var calibration = m_Inverse3.GetOrientationCalibration(out _);
var orientation = m_Inverse3.orientation;
var q = new Quaternion(orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, orientation.w);
return frameLHS * q * frameRHS;
return Quaternion.identity;
i am using this as
var orientation = m_HapticThread.orientation;
transform.localRotation = orientation;
to set the local rotation of a ‘HapticRig’ game object
the rotation appear to be inverted in some axes.